Php Inspections (EA Extended)

A Static Code Analysis tool for PHP distributed as a PhpStorm / IdeaUltimate plugin.

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Probable bugs

This document provides help on getting your code bug free.

Phar-incompatible ‘realpath()’ usage

The realpath() expands all symbolic links and resolves references to ‘/./’, ‘/../’ and extra ‘/’ characters in the input path and returns the canonical absolute pathname. But what about streams, like phar://?

In case of streams the realpath will cause unexpected behaviour and an alternative is using dirname() function instead.

    /* examples affected by stream context */
    define ('PROJECT_ROOT', realpath(__DIR__ . '/../'));
    require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php');
    /* stream-safe alternatives */
    define ('PROJECT_ROOT', dirname(__DIR__) . '/');
    require_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Addition operator applied to arrays

There are several ways of merging arrays in PHP: array_merge(), array_replace() and addition operators. Each of them has own strategy of dealing with overriding values, specifically addition operators applicable in several scenarios.

    /* case 1: merging configuration - make an option immutable */
    $forcedDefaults     = ['component' => 'component'];
    $userConfiguration  = ['component' => 'legacy_app_component'];
    $result = $forcedDefaults + $userConfiguration;
    // => ['component' => 'component']
    /* case 2: merging configuration - make some options immutable (multiple sources) */
    $forcedDefaults               = ['persistent' => true];
    $productionCoreConfiguration  = ['persistent' => false, 'debug' => false];
    $userConfiguration            = ['persistent' => false, 'debug' => true];
    /* ensures that user configuration is not affecting persistence and debug modes */
    $result = $forcedDefaults + $productionCoreConfiguration + $userConfiguration;
    // => ['persistent' => true, 'debug' => false]
    /* case 3: merging configuration - adding not configured options */
    $userConfiguration  = ['port' => '8888'];
    $defaults           = ['host' => '', 'port' => '3386'];
    /* if user didn't configure something, add defaults */
    $result = $userConfiguration + $defaults;
    // => ['host' => '', 'port' => '8888']

Forgotten debug statements

Note: you can register own debug methods in the inspections’ settings (e.g. \My\Class::debug_method or \debug_function).

Forgotten debug statements can disclosure sensitive information, make serious impact to performance or break application in production environment (e.g. headers already sent warning).

Due to this we recommended to check carefully all reported cases. If you discovered a false-positive or a new case, don’t hesitate sharing with us.

Proper preg_quote() usage

The most common used separators in PHP are /@#~, which are not escaped by default (by default escaped .\+*?[^]$(){}=!<>|:-). Though Php Inspections (EA Extended) reports all cases when preg_quote() call doesn’t have the second argument.

Ignoring this PHP specific can lead to introducing bugs and even vulnerabilities.

‘compact()’ arguments existence

PHP is not warning if a ‘compact()’ was called referencing non-existent variable. A typo or refactoring might cost long debugging in this case.

Class autoloading correctness

Note: the inspection is based on PSR-0 and psr-4 autoloading standards

From time to time we name class and the file containing it with typos, or probably renaming class without renaming its’ file and breaking class autoloading. The inspection will spot class and file names mismatch before the issue popped up.

Null pointer exceptions prevention

The inspection name is clearly taken from Java, we also actively enhancing the inspection towards similar checks in Java.

Php specific is taken into account, but some limitations are exists: is_object(), is_null() and similar is_*() functions calls are not analyzed, instead we recommend to rely on null identity and instanceof operators. Another limitation is that the inspection don’t rely on DocBlock - types must be implicitly declared.

Following cases currently supported (we’ll keep extending the list):

  • method parameters (nullable objects), e.g. public function method(?\stdClass $first, \stdClass $second = null) { ... }
  • to be continued (when funding is found)